Avec des figures démons. You can ask us for any questions, we will answer you. The judgement of the condition and age of the object is based on our personal opinion and experience. If you have a different opinion, we are happy to discuss with you. The item is posted from Paris, please inform us in advance if your country/location has any specific requirements or charges applicable. If you find that the object is different from what we have described in the condition report of the object or showed in the pictures, you have the rights to return the object to me. Take a picture of the box that shows any external damage to the box. After opening the box, take a picture on how the object is packed in the box. Take high definition pictures of the object that shows the condition. You need to inform Me immediately after you received the package. Our responsibility ends when the object has been packed safe and carefully and handed over to the post office. ·Take a picture of the box that shows any external damage to the box. ·After opening the box, take a picture on how the object is packed in the box. ·You need to inform me immediately after you received the package. Any difference in the condition of the object will be compared and judged by us. « Chinesische Antike » – « Altes chinesisches Objekt » « Asiatische Kunst » – « Porzellansammlung » « Qing-Periode ». « Antigüedad china » – « Objeto chino antiguo » « arte asiático » – « Colección de porcelana » « Período Qing ». Chinese painting, » « Asian art, » « oil on canvas, » « watercolor, » 19th century, » « Qing dynasty, » Ming, » « Qing, » « modern. Cet item est dans la catégorie « Art, antiquités\Art du XIXe et avant\Arts, objets ethniques ». Le vendeur est « asianantiquity » et est localisé dans ce pays: FR. Cet article peut être expédié au pays suivant: Monde entier.
- Type: peinture
- Origine: Chine
- Matière: Bois